2012年7月11日 星期三


某個頁面在 IE7 環境底下只要 UPDATE  ASP.NET 的 TABLE

整個版面就會跑掉 (update 過的部分一片白),然後 resize 視窗之後資料又回來了

但在 IE8/9/CHROME 卻都能正常運作


追查之後發現是 IE7 的 BUG(浪費我時間 = =)

加入 position: fixed 即可!


When an element is set to “position: relative” it should just appear offset by whatever values you specify in the top, bottom, left and right properties, but should still scroll off the page when you scroll down. In IE it does this so long as the element isn’t within another element that’s set to “overflow: scroll”.

The problem I am having is that I have a div with “overflow: scroll”, inside that div is an element that is set to “position: relative”. All’s fine until you scroll that div, the element that’s set to “position: relative” stays where it is rather than scrolling along with the rest of the divs content, basically doing what an element with “position: fixed” should do.


